The organization is vastly experienced in organizing and implementing various types of health and educational programmes in the backward areas of the district with financial assistance from various agencies viz., the Govt. of West Bengal, UNICEF, Care India, West Bengal Mass Education Desptt. & W.B.H.V.A. The previous experience of implementing projects for HIV/AIDS for intervention programme among the truckers community funded by W.B.S.A.P&CS, RCH-II Project as mother NGO with supports from H. & F.W. Deptt., Govt. of West Bengal, ASHA Training Programme have greatly helped achieve the target of NHM. Besides these, our experience of organizing and implementing SRIJAN Plus programme on Adolescence Health, Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood illness (IMNCI) Training of Health and Nutrition Workers have also enriched our knowledge and experience.
One of the great achievements of our organization is to prevent early marriage remarkably in the intervention blocks with the help of the Govt. Officials, Panchayet functionaries, Electronic Medias and other Social workers. Another remarkable event of our organization is that as a District Partner of White Ribbon Alliance, we have been able to impart lesson to Smt. Santana Murmu, a Citizen Reporter of White Ribbon Alliance, West Bengal who attended the 70th United Nations General Assembly for voicing “Safe motherhood and no early marriage”. Our organization and the White Ribbon Alliance, West Bengal have organized “Public Hearing event on Maternal Health” at Kushmandi Block which happened to be a very effective event & also “Media Workshop” on that issue for the vulnerable section of the community people. NMMS has also gathered commendable knowledge and experience of awareness on Orientation programme on Adolescence Health at School level including HIV/AIDS in Dakshin Dinajpur district from 1997 to 1999 under WBVHA.
Very recently NMMS has organized F.G.D. Programme on Family Planning in two blocks i.e. Banshihari & Kushmandi Blocks and School level awareness programme on National Tobacco Control Programme supported by the District health & Family Welfare Samity, Dakshin Dinajpur. And School & College level awareness programmes on Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP) supported by the aforesaid Samity is being conducted to remove Tuberculosis.
Those are the successes achieved by NMMS over the years since 1977 and the organization is passionately devoted to serve people for these noble causes in future as well.
our mission
To arrange special education for handicapped children in district level. To make education for all and cut the dropout rate from school.
our vision
Empower marginalized women and children and to build a happy and prosperous Rural India where everyone would be able to work as partners.
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